Virtual Surgical Simulaiton, Major Rules to develop an efficient educative system

Computer Assisted NOTES: From Augmented reality to automation

A real-time predictive simulation of abdominal viscera position during quiet free breathing

Recent advances in liver imaging

Identification of gene expression profiles correlated to tumor progression in a preclinical model of colon carcinogenesis

Long-term administration of aspirin inhibits tumour formation and triggers anti-neoplastic molecular changes in a pre-clinical model of colon carcinogenesis

Computer-assisted digestive surgery

Bulk modulus and volume variation measurement of the liver and the kidneys in vivo using abdominal kinetics during free breathing

3D virtual reality and selective vascular control for laparoscopic left hepatic lobectomy

Joystick interfaces are not suitable for robotized endoscope applied to NOTES

Computer-assisted remote surgery

A real-time predicitve simulation of abdominal organ positions induced by free breathing