Home » Surgical Data Science » Publications
- 2012
Simulation of pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery planning
- Bano J., Hostettler A., Nicolau S., Cotin S., Doignon S., Wu HS., Huang MH., Soler L., Marescaux J.
- 15
- 91-8
- 2012
Virtual neck exploration for parathyroid adenomas: a first step toward minimally invasive image guided surgery
- D'Agostino J., Wall J., Soler L., Vix M., Duh QY., Marescaux J.
- 2012
Augmented Reality
- Nicolau S., Soler L., Marescaux J.
- 101-139
- 2011
A Cost Effective Simulator for Education of Ultrasound Image Interpretation and Probe Manipulation
- Nicolau S., Vemuri A., Wu H.S., Huang M.H., Ho Y., Charnoz A., Hostettler A., Forest C., Soler L., Marescaux J.
- Volume 163
- 403-407
- 2011
In vivo liver tissue mechanical properties by Transient Elastography: comparison with Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
- Chatelin S., Oudry J., Périchon N., Sandrin L., Allemann P., Soler L., Willinger R.
- 48(2)
- 75-88
- 2011
Experimental In Vitro Mechanical Characterization of Porcine Glisson’s Capsule and Hepatic Veins
- Umale S., Chatelin S., Bourdet N., Deck C., Diana M., Dhumane P., Soler L., Marescaux J., Willinger R.
- 44
- 1678-1683
- 2012
Réalité augmentée
- Nicolau S., Soler L., Marescaux J.
- 129-170
- 2012
Performance evaluation of simultaneous RGB analysis for feature detection and tracking in endoscopic images
- Selka F., Nicolau S., Bessaid A., Soler L., Marescaux J.
- 249-254
- 2011
Augmented reality in laparoscopic surgery oncology
- Nicolau S., Soler L., Mutter D., Marescaux J.
- 20
- 189-201
- 2011
Myo-InositolTrisPyroPhosphate treatment leads to HIF-1a suppression and eradication of early hepatoma tumors in rats
- Aprahamian M., Bour G., Akladios CY., Fylaktakidou K., Greferath R., Soler L., Marescaux J., Egly JM., Lehn JM., Nicolau C.
- 12
- 777-83
- 2011
Simulation chirurgicale virtuelle : les premiers pas d’une nouvelle formation
- Soler L., Marescaux J.
- 91-114
- 2011
Totally endoscopic magnetic enteral bypass by external guided rendez-vous technique
- Diana M., Wall J., Perretta S., Dallemagne B., Gonzales KD., Harrison MR., Agnus V., Soler L., Nicolau S., Marescaux J.