Intelligence Artificielle appliquée à l’imagerie médicale : espoir ou elpis ?

A new algorithm for volume mesh refinement on merging geometries: Application to liver and vascularization

Virtual reality exploration and planning for precision colorectal surgery

Live Tracking and Dense Reconstruction for Hand-held Monocular Endoscopy

Comprehensive preclinical evaluation of a multi-physics model of liver tumor radiofrequency ablation

A step towards stereotactic navigation during pelvic surgery: 3D nerve topography.

New intraoperative imaging technologies: Innovating the surgeon’s eye toward surgical precision

The anatomical configuration of the splenic artery influences suprapancreatic lymph node dissection in laparoscopic gastrectomy: Analysis using a 3D volume rendering program

Is nephron-sparing surgery relevant for unilateral Wilms tumors?

Numerical simulation and identification of macroscopic vascularised liver behaviour: Case of indentation tests

Experimental and finite element analysis for prediction of kidney injury under blunt impact

The status of augmented reality in laparoscopic surgery as of 2016