Tribute from Prof. Jacques Marescaux and the IRCAD teams:
It is a delicate task to pay tribute to Raymond Waydelich, a man whose life and work were nothing short of extraordinary.
As an artist, visual storyteller, and poet, Raymond possessed a rare gift: the ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, weaving together humor and profundity. His creations, imbued with a singular sensitivity, offered profound reflections on memory, time, and heritage.
But beyond his artistic brilliance, Raymond was a man cherished for his hearty laugh, his unmistakable accent, and his love of life’s simple pleasures – especially wine, which he regarded as a connection to his roots. Behind his vibrant joy was a deep inner world, a place of unspoken anxieties that he transformed into his art and poetry.
Even in the face of these hidden struggles, Raymond’s passion never waned. Today, his presence is felt everywhere: on his beloved farm, in the places he treasured most, and perhaps most of all, in the stars above. His memory continues to shine, a gentle reminder, like a knowing wink from afar. Let us not forget to open the window often, to find him there once again.