Hommage à Raymond Waydelich

Hommage de la part du Prof. Jacques Marescaux et des équipes de l’IRCAD :

Rendre hommage à Raymond Waydelich est une tâche délicate, tant sa vie et son œuvre furent exceptionnelles.

Artiste, conteur visuel et poète, il avait ce talent rare de transformer l’ordinaire en extraordinaire, de mêler humour et gravité. Ses créations, profondément marquées par une sensibilité unique, offraient une réflexion sur la mémoire, le temps et l’héritage.

Au-delà de son génie artistique, c’était un homme que l’on aimait pour son rire franc, son accent unique, et son amour des plaisirs simples, comme le vin, qu’il considérait comme une connexion à ses racines. Derrière cette joie de vivre se cachaient des angoisses profondes, qu’il sublimait en art et en poésie.

Malgré ses angoisses secrètes, Raymond restait passionné jusqu’à la fin. Il est désormais partout où l’on se souvient de lui : dans sa ferme, ses lieux favoris, et surtout dans les étoiles. Son souvenir continue de briller, comme un clin d’œil complice. N’oubliez pas d’ouvrir souvent la fenêtre pour le retrouver.

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COVID19: IRCAD sanitary measures & health pass

Please note that the IRCAD administrative board and staff are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation, in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in France. The health, safety, and well-being of our participants, experts and staff are our top priority!
Despite the current context, the IRCAD stands firmly by your side to help you acquire knowledge and skills. Come and join us !

We would like to draw your attention that the « Vaccine Pass » is now mandatory in France since end of January 2022 and replaces the former « Health Pass » to access places that are open to the public, such as cinemas, museums, cafés and restaurants, hotels as well as the IRCAD Institute which welcomes participants in the framework of its courses and seminars. Thus, a PCR test without vaccination is no longer sufficient to take part in our courses.

The vaccine pass includes a proof of the following (one of the 3 items is sufficient):

  • The vaccination certificate, proving that persons have a complete vaccination (as of January 15, 2022, all persons aged 18 and over must receive a booster dose no more than 7 months after their last injection or Covid infection to receive a valid vaccination pass. As of February 15, 2022, the time limits for keeping the pass will be reduced, you will have to do your booster dose 4 months and no longer 7 months after your 2nd dose to have a complete vaccine schedule and maintain a valid vaccine pass)
  • The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of Covid, more than 11 days and less than 4 months
  • The certificate of contraindication to vaccination

Further information about the new vaccine pass can be found at :

We very much hope to be able to count on your kind understanding of those rules which have been set by the French Government and which our Institute is required to apply