Laparoscopic and Transanal Colorectal Supermaster Course

Full immersion in colorectal, transanal and proctological surgery

Twenty years have passed since the first laparoscopic colonic resection and today the minimally invasive approach represents the gold standard for the treatment of cancer and benign diseases of the colorectal tract.
In the continual attempt to minimize minimally invasive surgery, innovative techniques such as Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision have been developed, and this technique promises to completely eliminate any visible scar while radically treating rectal cancer.

Laparoscopic and Transanal Colorectal Supermaster Course


Course date & options

Course status

Colorectal surgery


Theoretical sessions

  • No more courses for this period


Practical training on live tissue

  • No more courses for this period


Practical training on anatomical specimens

  • No more courses for this period

Course program

Course directors

J. Marescaux FR, RW

Faculty panel

J. Marescaux (FR)A. Forgione (IT)M. Vix (FR)R. Cahill (IE)A. D'Urso (IT)D. Koh (SG)F. Corcione (IT)B.A. Salky (US)

Course objectives

  • To improve surgical and oncological outcomes in colorectal surgery
  • To learn about modern technologies for preoperative diagnosis and planning
  • To learn about new technologies for intraoperative navigation and manipulation
  • To improve multimodal colorectal cancer treatment
  • To provide hands-on sessions to improve skills in colorectal surgery through practice under expert tutorials

Target audience

Surgeons / minimum level required

Educational methods

  • Interactive theoretical and video sessions between Faculty and course participants
  • Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
  • Practical training on live tissue, anatomical specimens and pelvic trainer

CME credits & accreditations

CME accreditations & endorsements for this course

Spécifique à chaque cours

CME accredications & endorsements for the IRCAD France

In partnership with the European Association for Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES)

European CME credits (ECMEC) : 
An application has been made to the UEMS EACCME for CME accreditation of this event

One day at IRCAD

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Beautiful live demonstrations (sigmoidectomy, TME) / Nice topics (TME, right colectomy) / Excellent level of the experts, also in the afternoon workshop.

Quality of expert discussion during live demonstrations / Possibility to use new equipment in the practical sessions

The quality of presentations / The cases are amazing / The teachers are excellent

Everything was outstanding: organization, attitude, skills of the experts

Operating on live tissue / Live surgery / Quality of the premises (architecture, interior design)

Live surgery with experts / Tips and tricks from the experts / Hands-on session

Live surgery with opportunity to interact with experts / Practice with very useful tutoring / Extreme availability of the experts

Nice demonstration of mobilization of splenic flexure / Perfect visualization of operations / Step by step explanation of the surgery

Excellent cases to demonstrate and very good to see how the experts handle events such as bleeding etc…

Friendly multicultural environment / Excellent learning opportunities / Good level of expertise of the staff

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