Advanced techniques in laparoscopic gynecologic surgery


Taking part in our courses will allow you to learn
from world-renowned experts, discuss and interact
with them. This full-fledged participation will
provide you with every information and extensive
tips and tricks to reach the next level of success for
the benefit of your patients.gynecologic surgery.

Come and join us, and be one of the
7,200 surgeons who have seized the opportunity
to improve their knowledge and know-how. All
Faculty members will be happy to welcome you and
help you to update your skills and enhance your
minimally invasive surgical capabilities.

Advanced techniques in laparoscopic gynecologic surgery


Course date

Course status

Hands-on training

  • No more courses for this period

Course director

Arnaud Wattiez (FR)

Course objectives in Laparoscopic gynecologic surgery

  • To provide the basic skills required for good progress in clinical laparoscopic practice

  • To describe technical steps used for advanced laparoscopic procedures

  • To describe results and potential complications, and how to prevent them

  • To practice on live tissue in order to give participants the technical tools to improve their practice

Target audience

Gynecological surgeons

Educational methods

  • Interactive theoretical and video sessions between Faculty and course participants

  • Live operative demonstrations

  • Practical training on live tissue (mini-pigs)

Cancellation policy

CME credits & accreditations

Live the IRCAD experience to the fullest

The courses are organized in such a way that participants are fully immersed in the heart of the Institute, from start to finish.

One day at IRCAD

Your course by day, the comfort and luxury in Les Haras Hotel **** by night

A place with a unique design, inspired by history and the universe of horses… Les Haras Hotel**** honors leather and wood to take its guests on a journey through time.

The Haras Brasserie offers a modern and friendly cuisine. The great classics of French cuisine are celebrated there, alongside signature dishes from Alsace or inspirations from the world over.


This is one of the most well organized and educational meetings that I attend, full of diversity ultimately spiriting the best care globally.

I just want to say you thank you for everything. I really enjoyed the course. I can’t wait to do another one.

The course is well organized and I am very happy about the conduct of it.

I had a great time on the course and enjoyed the French hospitality.

It was such a pleasure to participate in this course. I am looking forward to another course at IRCAD.

It was a fantastic and productive experience.

I want to thank you for warm welcome, extremely good organization and everything that you have done. For a long time it was my dream, and it came true. Thank you one more time.

Congratulations on another wonderful and highly educational course. The friendship atmosphere is outstanding. I look forward to your course every year and look forward to participating again.

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