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On Monday, June 29, 2015, Professor Jacques MARESCAUX, President of the IRCAD, Mrs. Laurence COMTE-ARASSUS, President of Medtronic France and Mr. Damien DESMEDT, European Sales & Marketing Vice-President at Intuitive Surgical, inaugurated the IRCAD 2 facilities […]

The Alsace region receives the French Tech healthcare accreditation
Axelle Lemaire a annoncé, mercredi 24 juin peu après minuit à New York, l’attribution du label French Tech à l’Alsace dans le domaine de la Santé.

The IRCAD earns a new official distinction as a Comprehensive – American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute (AEI)
The IRCAD (Research Institute Against Cancers of the Digestive System) has been officially certified by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) for all of its

“2014 NUMERIC’ ALSACE Grand Prize” awarded to Visible Patient, an IRCAD spin-off
On November 5, VISIBLE PATIENT, a company which stemmed from 15 years of IRCAD R&D, received the 2014 Numeric’Alsace Grand Prize in Strasbourg. This prize

The “Brasserie des Haras” awarded the “prize of the best design restaurant in the world” in London
International event, “The Restaurant & Bar Design Awards 2014” have doubly awarded “Les Haras” in the EUROPE and WORLD categories during an official ceremony which

National Academy of Surgery Scholarships and Awards
The National Academy of Surgery aims to promote minimally invasive surgery with the support of the IRCAD. In this respect, two scholarships and an award

20 years of IRCAD
The IRCAD celebrated its 20th birthday at the “Brasserie des Haras” with great fanfare and music on July 12, 2014. The party was a true success and unravelled on the theme of “One world, 3 IRCADs”.

Professor Jacques Marescaux awarded the “Medal of Diplomatic Friendship”
On Tuesday, February 18, 2014, Professor Jacques Marescaux was awarded the “Medal of Diplomatic Friendship” by Mr David Lin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Visit of French President, François Hollande at IRCAD
On January 30, 2014, Professor Jacques Marescaux welcomed François Hollande, President of France at IRCAD to show him around the facilities dedicated to minimally invasive