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Mr. Olivier Becht Explores IRCAD
We had the honor of welcoming Mr. Olivier BECHT, former Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Attractiveness, and French Nationals Abroad, who discovered IRCAD alongside Professor

Ms. Monique Jung visits the Institute
Professor Jacques Marescaux had the pleasure of presenting IRCAD to Mrs. Monique Jung, Director of ADIRA (the economic development agency for Alsace). It was an

IRCAD joins forces with NEOM Health
Due to Professor Jacques Marescaux’s inability to join President Emmanuel Macron’s delegation to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Patrick Maisonnave, the French Ambassador to the Kingdom of

Visit from Mr. Samir Henni
We were honored to welcome Mr. Samir Henni, Managing Director of the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg. The meeting served as a reminder of the strong

Visit from Karl Storz executives delegation
Following his last visit a few weeks ago, Mr. Thorsten Molitor (Vice President Global Sales & Marketing / Global Research & Development) returned with a

Terry Whipple prize awarded to Professor Marescaux
During the session organized by IRCAD-IWC, IWAS awarded the “Terry Whipple” prize to Professor Jacques Marescaux in recognition of his leadership and contribution to the

ISU students explore IRCAD’s innovations
We had the pleasure of welcoming 36 students from the International Space University (ISU) for the second year in a row. During their visit, we

Dr. Yulun Wang visits IRCAD
We were honored to host Dr. Yulun Wang, CEO of Sovato and Founding President of the World Telehealth Initiative. His California-based company specializes in remote

Dr. Maky Zanganeh returns to IRCAD
It was an absolute pleasure for us to welcome Dr. Maky Zanganeh, CEO of Summit Therapeutics, who holds a very special place in our Institute’s