La start-up alsacienne AstraNice a mis au point un revêtement fluorescent au service de la chirurgie
Au Rwanda, l’Ircad Africa forme les médecins africains à la chirurgie de pointe
Forscher operieren Schwein in 9300 Kilometer Entfernung
Imagerie 3D : Visible Patient, une start-up française à la pointe de l’innovation chirurgicale
Obésité : tout comprendre à la chirurgie bariatrique en 4 questions
Rwanda : un centre de recherche pour former à la chirurgie mini-invasive
Death of Prof. Cristiano Huscher, a beloved IRCAD expert
We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Professor Cristiano Huscher, a world-renowned expert who played an important role in the development of our Institute. He was one of the pillars of our colorectal courses and will be forever remembered for the excellence of his surgical skills, the sharing of his knowledge, and […]
Happy birthday Prof. Jacques Marescaux!
HappyBirthday to Prof. Jacques Marescaux! We celebrate not just another year of his life, but the countless innovations and improvements he has brought to the surgical world. We wish him a day full of happiness! #surgery #minimallyinvasivesurgery