Les e-mémoires de l’Académie Nationale de Chirurgie
La robótica en el nuevo Hospital de Salamanca, precisión y seguridad en la cirugía moderna
Pour le Prof. Jacques Marescaux, «AVS Traiteur Engagé fait partie de l’IRCAD family »
U.S. FDA Grants 510(k) Expanded Indication for Palliare’s EVA15 Insufflation Technology to Accommodate Higher Pressure Range
IRCAD Uses 3D Display for Learning
Christie RGB pure laser projectors and Terra AV-over-IP deliver robotic surgery learning at IRCAD research and training institute
IRCAD uses 3D display for learning
New Research Center in the University Hospital of Strasbourg Equipped with Christie Mirage 4K40-RGB Projectors
L’hommage de l’IRCAD à Jacques Algrain
Arthrex at IRCAD
Jeremy Roberts (Director, Global Endoscopy at Arthrex) was very pleased to meet Professor Jacques Marescaux again during his visit at IRCAD. They have known each other for almost 25 years – indeed, Mr. Roberts was one of the very first industrial representatives to collaborate with IRCAD. He was struck by the impressive transformation of the […]